Who is Louison?
The « Louison Cycling Club » is a dream that « rolls » around the bike. First with bicycles available here, on this website. Then with bicycle shop, where you can meet fellow bike enthusiasts for a relaxing coffee and peruse through the clothing and accessories line to compliment your cycling needs. The website will feature bespoke and home services available, outline cycling itineraries, activities, courses and vacations that can be enjoyed together.
At « Louison Cycling Club », we fully believe that a shared experience is the best experience! The club is inclusive to everyone ; for you, your partner, your children, your parents and grandparents, your neighbour ; for families and those riding solo ; for commuters and dreamers ; for private life and professional needs, … in short, for anyone and everyone!
Thanks for being here and Welcome to Louison!
« When I was a little boy, the love I had for my bike was the same, as those of a young age who had love for their teddy bear. My passion for cycling has always been a huge part of my life. Having cycled vast kilometers, pumped hectoliters (of air), waxed many square centimeters of rims (yes, I did !), pasted kilograms of patches and sticking plasters, … the time has now come for me to stand on the other side of the handlebars. As a daily cycler, I look forward to sharing my passion and expertise with you! See you soon! »
Vincent, founder of the « Louison Cycling Club »
P.S. A special thanks to Manon who makes this site possible ; to Anniek for the texts in Dutch ; to Krupa for the texts in English ; to Frank for the corporate design ; to my dear friends for their financial support ; and to my beloved family who have allowed my vision of Louison Cycling Club to become a reality.